Our locations

IEA Derflinger Gmbh
Sterzinggasse 3a
4055 Pucking

Phone: +43 664 351 74 04
Fax: +43 7229 87304
E-Mail: office@iea-press.com

IEA/MTI-Engineering GmbH
Nordring 59a
48465 Schüttdorf

Arian Ordelman
Phone: +31 623 227 706
E-Mail: ordelman@mti-engineering.nl

Richard Molendijk
Phone: +31 545 287 827
E-Mail: molendijk@mti-engineering.nl

IEA Press Asia Co. Ltd.
South Sathorn Road, Yannawa
1 Empire Tower, 47th Fl. Unit 4703

Wilfried Wimmler
Phone: +61 (0)8 6555 1807
Mobile: +61 (0)408 526 018
E-Mail: wilfried@ifs-consultants.com.au or asia@iea-press.com



IEA Brasil Equipamentos Ltda
Pomerode - SC

Fredolf Raduenz
R Progresso 523 Sala B
89.107-000 Testo Alto
Pomerode SC
Phone: +55 47 99106 4672
E-Mail: fredolf.raduenz@iea-brasil.com

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IEA Derflinger GmbH




The IEA Team has developed the screw press for sludge dewatering in 1990 and since 2005 it is marketed in Europe and since 2010 produced in Austria by IEA Derflinger GmbH. Over 1000 references of sludge dewatering plants with the IEA screw press as dewatering unit where supplied in the last 10 years in Europe where IEA was solely responsible for assembly and commissioning  which shows the experience in this market segment.

The coordination of service is carried out by the company headquarter in A-4055 Pucking near Linz or directly by the respective national partners. Due to our diversity of types - more than 40 different types of screw press ( from 10 to 2.000kg DS dry solids per hour - for mining applications 50.000kg DS/h or more can be achieved)  - are offered, providing the best possible solution for each application.

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